Baby's First Year · Parenting

Safe sleep tips for your baby

Sleeping newborn baby in white

Finding yourself confused about the safest way to put your baby to sleep? Well, you’re not alone.  The fact is, with so many products being advertised to help comfort your baby and put them to sleep, parents/caregivers may feel overwhelmed by the choices. There are many ways to soothe your crying baby which may help calm them before sleep.

Safe sleep tips for your baby:

  • If you are pregnant, include a safe sleep plan for your baby
  • Speak to caregivers who babysit your baby about a safe sleep environment for your baby
  • Avoid overheating your baby
  • No extra items such as toys, loose bedding, bumper pads, pillows in your baby’s sleep surface
  • Avoid placing your baby to sleep for a long time in carriages, strollers, car seats, infant swings, bouncers or playpens
  • Have a smoke-free environment in your home or caregiver’s home.

A safe sleep environment for your baby may lower the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), especially if your baby is under 12 months.

Safest place for your baby to sleep is:

  • on their back
  • on their own sleep surface such as a crib, bassinet, or cradle that meets current Canadian safety standards
  • in the same room as the parent/caregiver for at least the first six months of life

If you have any questions about safe sleep or comforting your baby, connect with one of our health professionals via eChat or call (416) 338-7600.

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