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Pregnant and want to know how and what to eat? Attend a CPNP

Pregnant individual pushing shopping cart in supermarket with shelves in background..A CPNP or a Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program, is a national prenatal program available to pregnant individuals and families who qualify. In Toronto, there are over 30 programs that run across the City each week. I work with a team of Registered Dietitians and Nurses to support pregnant families that attend these programs in making healthy food and lifestyle choices.

If you have a nutrition or health question and are pregnant, this may be the place to find your answer. So, I thought I’d give you a peek inside a program and highlight just some of the things you could learn while you’re there.

5 common nutrition questions we get asked:

  1. What foods should I avoid while pregnant?
    It’s easy to be confused about what foods to eat or not eat when you’re pregnant. As dietitians it’s our job to stay up-to-date on what is safe to eat. Let us help to guide you through your decisions.
  2. What can I do to stop this terrible nausea and vomiting?
    Feeling sick. You’re not alone. We offer tips to manage the ups and downs of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. We’ll help you learn what’s safe to try, what to avoid and how to get the support you need.
  3. Now that I am pregnant, why do I feel so tired?
    Great question. There could be many reasons but the most common is that you may be low in iron. At program we explain the difference between anemia and an iron deficiency. You will learn how to increase your iron intake from food, how to increase its absorption and how to manage the side effects of iron supplements.
  4. Am I gaining too much weight in my pregnancy?
    That depends. The recommended weight you should gain in your pregnancy is based on your weight and height before you became pregnant. Our dietitians will walk you through what is suggested and help you understand what to expect if you’ve already gained too much or too little.
  5. What do I eat to make sure my baby gets what they need?
    Every pregnancy is different. You and your baby’s nutrition needs will depend on what’s happening with your health. At CPNP, our dietitians show you what this looks like; at many programs, we do food demos and let you try the recipes we make.

There’s so much to learn and know when preparing for a new baby. This is just a quick look at what we offer in nutrition support at CPNP.

If anything here sparks your interest, contact us for more information or to see if you’re eligible and to find a program near you. Learn more about this national prenatal program.

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