Baby's First Year · Pregnancy

What is delayed umbilical cord clamping?

A common question from expectant parents in our prenatal program is "when is the best time to cut/clamp baby's umbilical cord?" During pregnancy, the umbilical cord helps move blood, oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby. Shortly after baby is born, their umbilical cord is clamped. Research shows that clamping the umbilical cord at different… Continue reading What is delayed umbilical cord clamping?


4 Tips to help make an informed decision in labour and birth

Allowing the body to labour naturally is what's most healthy, safe and desirable for you and your baby. Medical interventions are meant to be used only when complications happen in the labour and birth process. Being aware of your choices, the benefits, risks and alternative methods that can be used in labour and birth is… Continue reading 4 Tips to help make an informed decision in labour and birth


Birth Plans: What, when and how to create one

In one of our group prenatal programs, someone asked "How can I plan for the birth of my baby"? It sparked a conversation about what a birth plan is, when to write it and how to create one. Here are some ideas to help you create your own plan: What? What kind of birth you… Continue reading Birth Plans: What, when and how to create one