Parenting · Pregnancy

Pregnancy and alcohol: Do they mix?

September is FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) awareness month with September 9th designated as International FASD Awareness Day.  This day was started as a reminder that pregnancy and alcohol don't mix. Why pregnancy and alcohol don't mix: Alcohol can pass from the mother's blood into the baby's blood and affect the growth of the baby's… Continue reading Pregnancy and alcohol: Do they mix?

Parenting · Pregnancy

Raising awareness about FASD

Alcohol and pregnancy is a topic that has been around for generations. Some common questions and statements related to the use of alcohol during pregnancy include: “Isn’t it OK to have a glass of wine or cider on a special occasion during pregnancy?” “One drink won’t hurt, right?” “My mom drank alcohol when she was… Continue reading Raising awareness about FASD

Nutrition · Pregnancy

Alcohol use in pregnancy: Is it safe?

As the holiday season approaches, you may be involved in social gatherings where alcoholic drinks may be served. If pregnant or planning a pregnancy, the safest choice is to avoid drinking any alcohol. There is no known safe time, type or amount of alcohol when pregnant or planning to be pregnant. Try making mocktails for… Continue reading Alcohol use in pregnancy: Is it safe?

Parenting · Pregnancy

Can I drink alcohol if I’m planning a pregnancy or pregnant?

With the holiday season fast approaching, it's a known fact that parties and alcoholic drinks will be a part of the celebrations.  But what about drinking alcohol when you're planning a pregnancy? "If I'm not pregnant yet, is it okay to have just one or two drinks?" When it comes to drinking alcohol and planning… Continue reading Can I drink alcohol if I’m planning a pregnancy or pregnant?

Baby's First Year · Breastfeeding · Parenting

Breastfeeding and Alcohol:  Do they mix?

A mom recently told me that she stayed away from drinking any alcohol when trying to get pregnant and throughout her pregnancy.  She then shared "After I gave birth and going through those newborn stages of learning to feed my baby, changing diapers, finding a routine, lack of sleep etc… a glass of alcohol was… Continue reading Breastfeeding and Alcohol:  Do they mix?

Nutrition · Parenting · Pregnancy

Ten tips to make the best mocktails for your party

Make your next party an alcohol-free one.  There's a variety of ideas for you to make drinks that everyone can enjoy.  Remember, there is no safe amount of alcohol to drink when planning a pregnancy, pregnant, or breastfeeding, but that doesn't mean the party is over for you. The key is to be creative and… Continue reading Ten tips to make the best mocktails for your party


5 tips to help you celebrate the holidays safely while pregnant

The holidays are a special time of year when you may be out with your family or friends celebrating love and life while sharing in good food and company. Here are some tips to help you enjoy the holidays safely (and still have fun) while pregnant. Get enough rest and sleep. Fatigue and exhaustion happens… Continue reading 5 tips to help you celebrate the holidays safely while pregnant